Service providers

Discussing substance use, and possible addiction with your family member, friend or partner can be difficult.

At the National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research, we remain committed to responding effectively to the harms associated with drug misuse.

This page aims to provide the public with helpful contacts that can provide information and support for individuals, families and loved ones.

Brisbane Youth Service

Brisbane Youth Service, located in Fortitude Valley, aims to assist young people who are trying to overcome drug and alcohol dependency. Their Drug and Alcohol Support service is underpinned by harm reduction philosophies and provides:

  • Drug and alcohol rehabilitation support and case management
  • Education (with a focus on health and harm reduction)
  • Counselling
  • Relapse prevention support
  • Referral to other specialist services
  • Needle and syringe exchange program (available to BYS clients only)


Phone (07) 3252 3750 or visit the website.

Visit Brisbane Youth Service website


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Hot House (Youth Alcohol and Drug Service)

Hot House offers free and confidential alcohol and drug counselling services for:

  • Young people whose alcohol/drug use is causing them difficulties
  • Young people affected by someone else's alcohol/drug use
  • Anyone concerned about a young person's drug/alcohol use
  • Also provides parent education support group.


‘Biala’ Building, 3rd Floor, 270 Roma Street, Brisbane.
Phone (07) 3837 5633 or visit the website.

Visit Hot House website


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Clarence Street (formerly known as Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Service)

Based in South Brisbane, ADAWS aims to support young people to achieve their goals around their alcohol and drug use, such as having a break from using, cutting back from how much or how often they use, or quitting.


Phone (07) 3163 8111 or visit the website.

Visit Clarence Street website


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Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) treatment services

In Queensland, Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) treatment services are provided in local communities by Queensland Health, non-government and private organisations. 

Services can provide comprehensive assessments for substance use, brief intervention, treatment planning, case management, counselling, residential treatment and referral if required.


To locate your nearest ATOD Service contact the Alcohol and Drug Information Service 1800 177 833 (available 24 hours) or visit the website.

Visit the QLD Health ATOD website

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Lives Lived Well

Lives Lived Well is a leading Queensland support organisation for people who experience difficulties with alcohol and drugs as well as other addictions such as gambling, and/or mental health issues. They deliver a range of free counselling, youth, Indigenous and family support programs and run three, low cost rehabilitation facilities (Brisbane, Gold Coast and Cairns).

If you're concerned about the role that drugs or alcohol play in your life, or the lives of your loved ones, you can speak to one of their professional counsellors by calling 1 300 727 957. Free alcohol or drug counselling is provided across Queensland and free over-the-phone counselling is offered during office hours.


For more information phone (07) 3834 0200 or visit the website.

Visit the Lives Lived Well website

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Alcohol and Drug Information Service

The Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) is a confidential telephone service that offers information, advice, counselling and referral for alcohol and other drug issues.

ADIS is part of a national system of information and counselling services, and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The service provides:

  • tailored assistance (brief intervention) for people with a substance misuse problem or for relatives and friends of individuals experiencing problems
  • counselling and referral to other clinical services for people affected by substance misuse, and information for partners, relatives and friends
  • general information on drugs and alcohol to members of the community
  • telephone support for public education campaigns
  • distribution of resources on drugs and alcohol to health and related professionals and to the general community.


Visit the ADIS website for more details.

Visit ADIS website

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Counselling Online

Counselling Online is a free, 24 hour, 7 day online service where you can communicate live and one-on-one with a professional counsellor about any alcohol or drug related concern, via the internet.

This service is free for anyone seeking help with their own drug use or the drug use of a family member, relative or friend. You can choose to remain anonymous or register with the service.

Counselling Online can be accessed from any computer in Australia with a dial-up or broadband connection to the internet. Counselling Online is a program operated by Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre in Melbourne, Victoria.


View the Counselling Online website for more details.

Visit the Counselling Online website


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Family Drug Support 

FDS’ mission is to "assist families throughout Australia to deal with alcohol and drug issues in a way that strengthens relationships and achieves positive outcomes". They provide support through online materials, newsletter, and a 24-hour support line.


Phone 1300 368 186 or visit the website for more details.

Visit Family Drug Support website

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Healthdirect Australia

Healthdirect Australia is a federally funded national health information and advice service, designed to provide a range of services that can help Australians in managing their health, including providing help in finding support services, including:

  • access to a 24/7 advice and triage phone service
  • information on managing conditions and diseases
  • general advice on health and wellbeing
  • a clinically approved online symptom checker
  • a searchable database of every approved medicine available in Australia
  • a health directory of nearest doctors, pharmacies, hospitals and other services

Healthdirect also have information pages regarding drug and alcohol use.


Visit the Healthdirect website for more details.

Visit the Healthdirect Australia website

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Drug ARM

Drug ARM is a charitable, not for profit organisation that aims to build a flourishing community free from the harms of alcohol and other drugs. 

Drug ARM supports people, families and communities to achieve positive transformations by providing high quality mental health, alcohol and other drug programs and services across Australia with a focus in Queensland and New South Wales.

Drug ARM provides alcohol and other drug support through counselling, outreach, day programs, groups and diversion.



Online and phone contacts are here

Top of page is a US-based information source aimed at providing information about various types of addiction, as well as summarising the treatments that are often used to provide the best opportunity for recovery. Service providers listed are based in the United States, however the information about the journey through substance dependence towards recovery or rehabilitation may be useful to you. 


Visit the Drug Rehab website for more details.

Visit the Drug Rehab website


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