NCYSUR is dedicated to an evidence-based understanding of and responses to youth substance use. We would like to invite you to our symposium on Friday 28 April 2023 (9.00 am – 4.00 pm GMT +10).
Our research includes supporting individuals and families who are in need of help, working with schools and communities in a prevention framework, and policy and population level interventions to enhance the health outcomes of youth.
We are very excited to showcase and discuss our research at NCYSUR with you. There are speakers from early- to senior-career stages packed into this one-day online event. Presenters will be live online to answer your questions.
This is a hybrid event with in-person and online options.
9:00 - Arrival and registration
9:25 - Director's welcome - Prof. Jason Connor
9:30 - Keynote - Prof. Wayne Hall: Is adolescent cannabis use a gateway to other drugs
10:00 - Session 1: Cannabis, tobacco, and vaping:
Janni Leung - Cannabis and tobacco co-use
Giang Vu - Impact of smoking on the youth brain
Habte Belete - Cannabis use in Sub-Saharan Africa
Dani Dawson - Medical cannabis use and addiction
Carmen Lim - Trending substances on social media
Tianze Sun - E-cigarette ads and use in adolescents
Brienna Rutherford - Viral vaping in youth
11:00 - Keynote - Dr Emily Stockings: Our best defence is self-defence: Next steps for addressing the vaping ‘epidemic’ among young people in Australia
11:30 - Lunch break
12:30 - Session 2: Alcohol and other drugs (AOD):
Gab Campbell - Youth in alcohol and drugs treatment
Leith Morris - Brief AOD intervention community trial
Calvert Tisdale - Presentations following AOD treatment
Rhiannon Ellem - Mental health and substance use in schools
Ben Johnson - Stimulant use discussions by youths on Reddit
13:20 - Keynote - Prof John Saunders: When video gaming changes from fun to compulsion
14:00 - Afternoon tea break
14:30 - Session 3: New horizons of addiction research:
Associate Prof Gary Chan - Innovations in statistics: Causal inferences in addiction research
Dr Daniel Stjepanovic - New drinks to the party: Zero alcohol content beverages used in youth
15:15 - Closing: NCYSUR Dep Director - Prof. Leanne Hides
15:30 - Conference concludes